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The Book of Afo Part 1 coming 2024

Note from the Author-


Love, hate, pain, triumph, evolution. Experience, expansion, and Erudition. These simple words describe but few of the innumerable facets that add dimension and beauty to jewel that is life.  This book isn't about becoming more, expanding as consciousness until the God and Goddess within becomes the expression and experience without. 


The compulsion to write this book arose from a well within me that would not be still. The contents come from that knowing, that still small voice, that shimmering darkness that calls from the void beckoning forth a new possibility from the field of all possibilities until we embrace the desire.


The excerpt I am sharing with you is simple offering of reflective writings from an average woman detailing her journey from despondency to desire in the hopes that it will add a spark of expectation and a glimmer of belief to your storehouse. This is part 2 of the Book of Afo, Expansion


Moya Janelle 

The Koum Saga

Book 1: The Glass Rebellion coming in September 2025


Many years ago, the Milky way Galaxy was in transition. Immeasurable advances in technology were made with the discovery of the QH (quantum harness). The age of Aquarius was dawning and our people were emerging from the dark period in the cycle of procession. Earth was heading toward a new golden era. It was as if there was a shift in the psyche of humanity that grew more pronounced with each passing day.  The shift began with the millennials and their indigo children. They challenged the old structures and beliefs that society once espoused as absolute.

This new way of being created a rebellious kind of freedom that was both chaotic and beautiful. Unfortunately, there were some who did not see it that way. Those in power never choose to give up their position easily and it was no different during this period on Earth. It is this lust for power that created my kind and may very well change the course of all time, all history, and all creation.

If you are reading this right now, you are a part of the transitional force. The words are alive and will speak to you in the exact manner necessary for you to glean the ripe fruit of the harvest should you dewed mind permit. Time is irrelevant. It does not matter whether the year is 1587, 2134, or 4181 all-time. Your thoughts and decisions in the now affect all time so read on and choose your actions wisely. Herein is all you need to know.

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